Let's See what junk hav i did today? urm~ wake up, bath, breakfast, work, upload photos, den slp.. den since is holiday.. shop lot ppl.. den work until very busy as my lil bro and sis is enjoying themself in langkawi by now.. after that, went for ninja assasin in jj with josephs and fin.. Is a kick ass movie! haha. damn chun! and after movie was like 2.15am. fetch fin and her bro back. lepak a while at her hse. cz both joseph is talking bout car and im busy playing with johnson! is fin's golden retriever.. damn cute! haha.. den went mamak and do some guy talk, heart talk. and guess who i saw? =.= yuri tay~ small world, small msia, small town.. there's so many ppl i wish i can meet and say hi on the street, but there only one that i dun wish to see her and him no matter where i go. I read, i heard, i feel and it hurt me bad enuf, but if i see it with my own eye. it will be killing for me. hmm..
p/s thks to a glass of green scotch on rock. im going to bed now.everything seems to be too fuzzy
12 years ago
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